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Kasey assists clients in Wyoming and Colorado on proactively addressing and resolving a wide range of litigation and regulatory issues.

Though Kasey handles a wide variety of matters, she focuses her practice on state and local tax and commercial litigation. In her state and local tax practice, she advises clients on Wyoming severance taxes, sales and use taxes, lodging taxes, and property taxes. When clients face disputes, she represents their interests in litigation. Additionally, Kasey guides clients through complex and routine regulatory issues. Kasey draws from her experience before a variety of state and federal courts, and state administrative agencies, including the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and the Wyoming State Board of Equalization, to help clients with all aspects of judicial and administrative proceedings.

University of Wyoming College of Law
J.D., 2020
  • Order of the Coif
  • With Honors
Colorado Mesa University
B.A., 2017
  • Summa Cum Laude
U.S. District Court for the District of Wyoming
U.S. Tax Court

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