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Energy Consumers, Developers, and Public Utilities

We help clients achieve greater agency over their business goals through affordable, reliable, and diversely sourced energy.

Success in the ever-evolving electric power sector, including the exploration of new power generation resources, requires nimble and informed decision-making that bridges the need for reasonably priced and reliable energy with opportunities for achieving various ESG goals. Our attorneys work at the forefront of public utility policy, guiding the way from inception of a generation or transmission project through the regulatory approval and ratemaking process. 

Complexity comes with the territory. State, federal, and FERC public utility regulatory proceedings, including rate case and tariff hearings, adjudicatory, rulemaking, and show cause and complaint proceedings all require sound counsel. We also represent clients in arbitration hearings, settlements, contract negotiations, and in appeals and other court proceedings. 

Holland & Hart clients include large commercial and industrial enterprises that band together to influence regulatory measures and reduce energy costs statewide; independent power producers developing large-scale renewable energy projects; and transmission line developers interested in expanding the western region’s electric power grid.  


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