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May 27, 2020
Holland & Hart News Update

Re-Opening Checklist for Employers

It’s time to “re-open” and get back to “normal.” The only problem is that normal looks a whole lot different than what it was, and this new normal is fraught with uncertainty, legal risks, financial problems, and ethical complexities. With the possibility of heavy liability costs due to the pandemic and related revenue disruptions, businesses could go bankrupt or struggle to return to commerce if they do not tread carefully through these unprecedented times. Indeed, various logistical challenges await employers as they bring back their workforce.

However, re-opening in a safe, responsible, and bottom-line friendly manner is an attainable goal. Though there is no simple solution to a successful workplace re-opening, the following checklist of strategies and return-to-work best practices will help prepare your business as it re-opens amid a pandemic world.

Please click here to view the full checklist.

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